Services Offered
My work as a career coach began during my time as a social worker. I ran an employment agency for people living with HIV. I helped individuals with their job search strategies, prepared them for interviews, and walked through the hiring journey by their side. It was an amazing experience!
Shortly after running this program, I worked with a friend to start the beginnings of a career coaching practice. And then life happened! She moved out of state, the idea got lost in the shuffle, and I found myself on a different path. Fast forward to now and life has once again changed. The Covid pandemic has caused many of us to transition and think critically about our strengths in the workplace. I have once again tapped back into my desire to coach and help others achieve their career goals.
My areas of expertise: I am a job search extraordinaire! Having spent my last 5 years as a recruiter I know exactly what hiring managers are looking for in the hiring process and I want to share that expertise with everyone.
Seriously, when did you learn how to look for work?!
As your coach, I will bring my full authentic self to our sessions and I will ask that you do the same. My years in social work taught me that we are so much more than our jobs and those intricacies should be celebrated! I’m here to help you break down the job search and transition process so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming or daunting. And as a Queer professional, I want to hold space for your LGBTQ+ identities in the workplace and honor how that affects your job search, transitions, and experience.
Empathy | Arranger | Developer | Maximizer | Individualization