There is something about this time of year that gets me inspired to set goals. I know, I's so weird! I think most people tend to do their goal setting and planning in January, but for me "back to school" is like a reset!
I have always been a lifelong learner.
It's a huge part of who I am and how I navigate the world. Anyone who knows me knows that I am always looking for new information, new challenges, and a better understanding of how things work.
In fact, it's one of the reasons I opened this business.
If you haven't heard, I struggled with my own career journey. I went through a period of my life where I was successful at my job, but was not passionate at all about the industry. I submitted over 250 job applications in a year trying to find a job that would be a better fit. Yes, over 250 applications!
I was burned out, frustrated, and most of all disappointed. How could I be so successful at something I didn't care about and so unsuccessful at finding a career path I loved?
Fast forward almost 7 years and here we are. I found the career I absolutely love! I get to connect with people every single day and provide education, connection, and value to their lives. I am the person that gets to help a job seeker understand the recruiting process. I get to help new managers feel confident in their well-deserved promotion. And I get to inspire small business owners to change their industries and tell their story.
What do all those things have in common? Education.
The more we know, the better we can advocate for ourselves and our goals. We can make decisions based in fact and not fear. And we can bring others along with us on that journey! Now back to the "back to school" bug that I've got...

What am I planning for the rest of 2021?
Spoiler Alert: They are both communities designed to bring education to you!
1) ELEVATE: A small business community focused on growth, education, and connection.
Last month we kicked off the first monthly meeting of Elevate! We had small business owners join from around the Portland, OR metro area to talk about the challenges they are facing in their businesses and celebrate the wins they had this past month. We talked about burnout and finding ways to move our businesses forward despite the ever growing list of day to day tasks.
This month we have new business owners joining! (We even have a business owner from Texas - the meeting is held on Zoom, so all locations are welcome!) Our topic this month is on the importance of CEO time and our "why". I can't wait to learn the "why" behind other businesses and help further support their business vision.
2) CLIMB - A Community for Professionals - Coming Fall 2021!
Climb is a virtual community for professionals wanting to focus on self-development, education, and growth. As professionals we have so many areas for continued growth. Not sure how to write a professional email? Want to network with others in similar career fields? Wondering how to navigate asking for a pay raise? All of these topics will be discussed!
When we aren't sure how to navigate a situation or we are fearful of the unknown we limit our ability to achieve. My goal with this group is to provide education so you can make the best decision for your future. We all want to be the best versions of ourselves and I want to be in your corner providing you with the education you need to be that person!
If you are interested in joining Elevate, check out my "Small Businesses" page.
If you want to get on the waitlist for Climb, you can register on the "Professionals" page.
Do you also get inspired by the energy of going "back to school" each August? What are some goals you have for the remainder of 2021? Let me know in the comments!
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